Springer spaniel Frodo was just 16-weeks-old when he and his brother joined Police Scotland, in 2017, from a breeder. He passed his training course in October 2018 and licensed as a victim recovery dog with his handler Janet Findlay after her specialist dog retired.

Janet, from Glasgow, said: “Frodo was quite shy and a bit nervous and it wasn’t known if he’d actually make a working dog. Victim recovery really suited his nature though and he passed his course in December 2018 with flying colours.

“He went on to carry out many searches in the west and east areas of Scotland and, during his working life, he assisted in numerous searches helping with criminal tracks and searching for long-term missing persons.”

At a routine health check in 2021 it was discovered that Frodo was suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy. In March, he retired alongside Janet, who’d completed 30 years of service, to live with her, her partner, her two other retired police dogs, two cats and two rabbits.

“Now Frodo spends his days with my other retired police dogs enjoying long walks and most of the time he has a ball in his mouth!” Janet said.

The Thin Blue Paw Foundation has helped to cover the costs of twice-yearly scans to monitor Frodo’s heart problems.

Janet added: “The help from the Thin Blue Paw Foundation has removed any worry from myself for the cost of these scans and means we can keep close track of Frodo’s condition and ensure he has a long and happy retirement.”

You can help us support retired police dogs like Frodo by making a one-off or monthly donation today!