Cocker spaniel Joe spent eight years working as a dedicated cash, drugs and firearms sniffer dog with Surrey and Sussex Police. 

“Joe was retired in December 2019 after a long, hard working career during which he, and his handler, had many successes,” Joe’s new owner, PC Dan Thomas, said. 

“I first met Joe when I was on my initial dog handler training course in Surrey. His handler and I were on a course for 12 weeks together and I got to know Joe well. When I found out he was retiring I wanted him to come to us as he was such a lovely little dog.

“He now lives on the beautiful island of Guernsey where he enjoys the sunshine, beaches, salty sea swims and long cliff walks. During the colder months, he loves to snooze on the sofa in front of the fire and enjoys his own home-made roast dinners! He’s very spoiled!” 

Joe now lives with Dan, a Guernsey Police dog handler, his family and his two working police dogs, Boss and Lynx.

“Joe had been thoroughly enjoying his retirement until he became unwell with a slipped disc in his spine, compressing a nerve. Luckily, with the fantastic help of the Thin Blue Paw Foundation, who gave us a grant of £540, Joe received treatment and pain relief and has now made a full recovery. 

“Now he’s back to his usual bubbly self, running around and playing with his ball. The support from the charity was a huge, huge help to us financially. We’re incredibly grateful, and I know Joe is too!”

You can help us support retired police dogs like Joe by making a one-off or monthly donation today!